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WTP-Ecosafe has the required experience in the drinking water industry as well as the fields of chemistry, microbiology and public health to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your raw water quality and your overall system to determine if your current treatment system is adequate. This includes an evaluation of the current treatment system Log Reduction Values (LRV’s) and management practices such as the identification and performance of the treatment system critical control points (CCP’s).



Sukriti Industrial Testing Laboratories (SITL),
Regd. Office: A/49-Sanjay Gandhi Puram,
Faizabad Road,
Lucknow-226016 (U.P.), [INDIA]
E-mail:- sukriti.laboratories@gmail.com


05224102987, 9621529088
09389578768, 8175953923

« www.sukritilabs.com ».